Special Features
ANNUAL PLANNING MEATING:- Annual Planning meating is the annual feature of the institution which is organised before the begining of the session, The main objective of which are:-
- To frame the bewad policy of the college for the new session
- To finalize academic and co-curricular activities calender gor the new session
- To formulate the various commities for upcoming session.
- To discuss various issues like time-table, work load and problems related to teacher's academic growth, administration, infrastructure and student dealing.
Annual planning meeting generally lasts for two days and consists of various sessions full of discussion and interactions between the staff council and the management.
The students of all the sessions are divided in four houses:-
- Tagore House
- Abdul Kalam House
- Gandhi House
- Vivekanand House
The purpose of the house system is:-
- To provide oppertunities to the students for self-expression
- To develop leadership qualities among students
To provide intimate personal contact with teachers, each student is assigned a tutor, whose duty is to guide and remove the personal and academic difficulties of their respective wards.
Morning Assembly as a means of moral and spirtual development is the daily feature of the working of the institution. The main activities of the morning assembly for the first five days are:-
- Attendence
- News by the students
- General Discussion on any social issue
- Important annoucement, whenver required are made during the morning assembly attandence in morning assembly in compulsary for all students.
Students seminars in all papers are held side by side during the whole session to develop confidence among the students and to acquaint them with the prepration of seminar papers.
As a rehearsal of semester theory examination, students will be given an oppertunity to appear in comprehensive house test modeled on university examination. The main motive of thisis to develop necessary skills, speed, accurary and time management technique during examination.
Community plays a significant role in developing and modification of the behaviour of the students. Being the internal part of the society, there is need to organize various programmes which may develop mutual co-operation and understanding between school/college and community.
To inculcate moral and ethical value leading to the spirtual development of the students, various religious festivals, birth anniversaries of great personalities and important days of national and international importance are celebrated in the college from time to time with a view to make them proud of Indian civilization and Sanskriti.